Thursday, February 10, 2011


Cabbage is used as a leafy green vegetable. The part of the plant normally consumed is the immature brunch of leaves that are light green in colour. It is widely consumed raw, cooked, or preserved in a great variety of dishes. It is moist often prepared by sauteing. Cabbage is often added to soups or stews. When served raw, cabbage is crunchy and sweet. It is inexpensive and found in almost all parts of the world

There are many varieties of cabbage based on shape and time of maturity. The following are the most popular varieties

Cabbages grown late in autumn and in the beginning of winter are called colewort; their leaves do not form a compact head. "Colewort" may also refer to a young cabbage.

Red Cabbage is a small, round-headed type with dark red leaves.

Savoy Cabbage has a round, compact head with crinkled and curled leaves.

White cabbage is a winter Vegetable. It is commonly available. White cabbage is not really white, but light green in color.  The light color can easily be seen when set beside a green cabbage for comparison. White cabbage is great eaten raw in salads or cooked in recipes. 

Bokchoy, or Chinese cabbage, forms celery like stalk of white leaves; it is higher in calcium.

Drumhead cabbage has a rounded, flattened head.

An oxheart cabbage has an oval or conical head.

Green cabbage is a very popular in many parts of the world. Green cabbage is referred as a leaf vegetable, as its leaves are the consumed parts. The texture of green cabbages varies from crispy to soft.

English: Cabbage
Tamil: Muttai gose
Telugu: Cabbagee /kosu
Hindi: Bandhgobi / Pattagobi
Kannada: Kosu /kosu gedde
Malayalam: Muttakoos

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